Sunday Warm-up: January 19th, 2020

Worship on Sunday morning is one of the most important and consistent ways that we connect with our God and remember our Savior. To make the most of each gathering, we can fill our souls and prepare our hearts to spill over in worship.
The Sunday warm-up is designed to offer resources that match the upcoming service and help the SCBC family to prepare for Sunday worship.
Sunday's Message

The favor of God has always rested on a people whom he had chosen. He has done this so that His people would be an example to all of the world of a relationship with Him. God sent is Son that this relationship my be a joy to all people.
Related Sermons:
Ascribe to the Lord Oh Nations - Pastor Steve
A Blessing that Overflows - Trevor Joy
Related Articles:
God Blesses you to Bless the World - John Piper
Sunday's Passage

Sunday's Song: Nothing but the Blood
by Robert Lowry