We believe that the goal of every believer is to change and become more like Jesus. At SCBC we want to be actively focusing our heart and actions into Christ honoring service.
No matter what stage you may be in your adult life, we believe you always need God’s grace, guidance, and governance. Whether one is thirty or sixty years old, single or married, with children or none, SCBC strives to build up the adult believer in the Word of God, which leads to spiritual maturity and service. Our Community Life Groups, Sunday morning Bible Studies, and fellowship activities serve to meet this end.
Men and women have distinct differences. Therefore, there are needs that are quite specific to each of them. The following are some of the ways in which the church strives to provide for those needs so that each person is better equipped to serve God and others:
In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The physical and spiritual welfare of children has a place in the heart of God as certainly as it does in a parent’s heart. Songtan Central Baptist Church is committed to the care and education of our children to help lead them to acknowledge and trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We want to come alongside parents to help model and teach children to delight in their Creator God.
There are multiple things taking place for the children of the church. Our Nursery is fully staffed and is available during Sunday School and the Sunday morning worship service. The Children’s Sunday School meets at 9 am on the 3rd floor of the English Ministry Building. During the worship service, our Pre-School Club has their own worship time that includes Bible lessons, crafts, games, and snacks. There are quarterly and other periodic events that are planned for the children throughout the year. Further, an annual Vacation Bible School is held every summer at SCBC.
SCBC also has a fully staffed preschool & kindergarten (ages 2-6) that operates Monday-Friday (9 am – 5 pm) all year. This is located on the church’s campus and is overseen by the Korean side of the church. We operate on a Korean calendar for holidays and break periods. A half or full day option is available. This is a fully approved & recognized school by the Korean government. Classes are primarily conducted in the Korean language (Korean language classes are taught as well).

Students Minstry
We know how important it is to reach students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Student Ministry exists to glorify God by helping middle and high school students (7-12) to cherish Christ, connect in Christ, and change for Christ. We strive to reach out to students and disciple them by:
Assisting parents in any way possible in bringing up their child in the way of the Lord. We firmly believe that parents are primarily responsible for raising their child before God. Yet, it’s not easy! So we want to support them and come along side of them in the name of Christ.
Modeling Christ-likeness so they will be drawn to Him and will know how to live for Him. We seek to involve ourselves in the lives of the students with our very own lives. We want to see life on life discipleship happen!
Giving constant and intentional opportunities for students to respond to the Gospel.
Faithfully teach the Word of God through study, discussion, and example.
Offering a safe environment for spiritual growth and fellowship that’s Christ-centered.
Helping to build up students to glorify God in this current generation.
Sunday Bible Study: Every Sunday on the 3rd Floor at 9 am.
Various events take place at different locations continuously. Contact SCBC for more info!
All people are created by God to worship Him. Since man’s sinful rebellion in the Garden of Eden, God has been redeeming people through the person of Jesus Christ. He calls people from all nations, ethnicities, languages, and cultures to know and worship Him. As the Psalmist proclaims (Psalm 67):
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; let all the ends of the earth fear him!”
Indeed, the Apostle John saw this desire and purpose of God being fulfilled in heaven when he wrote (Revelation 7:9-10):
“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes,
with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice,
“Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
We at Songtan Central Baptist Church believe it is our God given responsibility & privilege to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mt. 28:18-20; Rom. 10:12-15). It is only through faith in Jesus that anyone can know God and therefore worship Him. We at SCBC want to fulfill the Great Commission both locally and globally by proclaiming our glorious Christ to all and showing the love of Christ to all.
There are a number of ways we make evangelism and missions our priority at SCBC. We organize periodic training and local outreaches through our Outreach Team. We are involved in a monthly disabled home outreach as well as a weekly elderly care ministry. We support and pray for our full time missionaries that have been sent from the church to East Asia, Cambodia, Thailand, Turkey, and Senegal. Congregationally, our main effort outside of Korea is focused on embracing a UUPG (unengaged, unreached people group) here in East Asia. We send out short term mission teams regularly to evangelize and disciple this people group. It is our desire and prayer to see a healthy church body rise up among this UUPG. We give support to the Korea Baptist Convention for Gospel work done here in Korea and overseas. We also give support to the Southern Baptist Convention for evangelistic outreach in the USA (North American Mission Board) and for international missions (International Mission Board).

Orphan Care
God has given SCBC a special love for Orphans both here in South Korea and around the world. We believe that Christians are compelled by James 1:27 to visit and care for vulnerable children.
SCBC strives to be a praying people because Jesus told us to be a praying people (Mt. 6:5-15). At its heart, prayer is communicating with God with an attitude of faith, humble dependency, and affection. Prayer is a spiritual discipline. It has been likened to the gymnasium of the soul. Prayer is an intensely personal time between a believer and God that needs to occur regularly.
Not only are times of private prayer necessary and expected by the Lord, but times of corporate prayer are as well (2 Chr. 7:14; Acts 1:14, 2:42). These are times of worship. Corporate prayer promotes the unity of the church. It stirs up love, good works, and mutual ministry. Corporate prayer fosters an environment for forgiveness and humility. The early church knew this all too well!
We invite you to join us for times of corporate prayer:
Men’s Prayer Breakfast: 2nd Saturday of each month
Concert of Prayer: Quarterly church gathering for prayer
If you would like for the church to join you in prayer about a personal matter, please click here. We have a prayer team in the church committed to praying for the needs of others.